Money is never the end in itself. It is the means to pursue far-reaching visions. Each column of digits always stands for human stories. Realising this simple truth lifts every venture to a whole new level

Business bio

One of Poland’s most charismatic and esteemed entrepreneurs.

Janusz Bielecki ranks as one of the most charismatic and widely respected personalities in Polish business in the past few decades. A self-made man who says “That simply won’t work” just to prove to himself and others that it not only canwork but undoubtedly will work as well. He captured the market through daring, cutting-edge initiatives and expanding into successive undertakings and sectors. Ever in pursuit of fresh challenges and sources of inspiration, he owns trading, service, and manufacturing companies, sits on supervisory boards, and launches numerous social and economic projects, remaining a patron of the arts.

Tenacity and audacity, the ability to listen, and a cherished work ethic are the traits, as well as the secret, of Janusz Bielecki’s success.

He is the owner of the JB Property Group, a capital organisation established early in the 1990s.

In 1990, Janusz Bielecki established SUPER KRAK SC, his first company. Initially a trading and services firm, it began by selling such passenger cars as Volvo, Opel, Ford, and Fiat. In 1991, the company became the exclusive distributor of Chief Oil products, simultaneously expanding into the imports of high-quality construction chemicals.

In 1992–93, Technaft sp. z oo and Technaft – Exol sp. z oo were founded. They specialised in the production and sale of a wide range of automotive and industrial oils. A merger with Statoil, a global leader in the petrochemical industry, resulted in incorporation of Statoil – Technaft and Statoil – Exol, both remaining part of the capital group until 2000.

The business expanded into a new sector, transport and logistics, in 1992.

Dynamic growth triggered the creation of a holding structure, since 1994 headed by Super Krak SA. The company has focused primarily on the real estate market, which remains its core area of operations to this day. Following restructuring within the capital group, its dominant company is now JB Property Group sp. z oo

The capital group Janusz Bielecki created includes Hotel Swing sp. z oo and Park Wodny w Krakowie SA, encompassing the FitPark Park Wodny fitness centre and Siesta family restaurant. It is worth noting that the entire complex was financed exclusively from private funds.

All Muses followed in 2013: an artistic agency specialising in organising concert tours and artistic events, while also serving as a music publisher and film producer.

BB Active Invest sp. z oo, set up in 2016, operates in the hospitality sector. Cucina Aperta, one of its brands, is an Italian-style restaurant popular among aficionados of Mediterranean food.

Founded in 2018, JB IT sp. z oo provides IT outsourcing services and certainly is not the final chapter in Janusz Bielecki’s business life.

The dynamism, strategic planning, and distinct character of these ventures, like the philosophy underpinning them, suggest that we are far from having heard the last of the achievements of companies operating under the name of Janusz Bielecki, which in the domestic market has become synonymous with success and an example of a career reminiscent of the American dream.


Janusz Bielecki



Janusz Bielecki incorporates his first companies, extending their operation to several distinct industries while Poland was undergoing a turbulent period of economic transition. These broad business horizons and diversified activities are to yield outstanding results in the future.

Neither easy nor straightforward, those years brought hope and opportunities. Something that only happens once in a lifetime, if at all. Something that calls for dreams and action; for facing up to adversity.

That pioneering era was like composing a piece of music: notes appeared one by one on the staves until, finally, the entire score came into view.

1990. Photo: private archives


A concept for a “city within a city” in Kraków’s post-industrial brownfield sites emerges. This leads to the incorporation of the first real estate company. In the same year, the first steps are taken to create a capital group.

The initial challenge was purchasing over nine hectares (22 acres) of land from a former prefab housing factory. The post-industrial, heavily deteriorated brownfields left in its wake proved rather discouraging for most potential buyers. My thoughts ran along different lines, believing that such a vast area was perfect for redefining its function. Yet all I saw when I literally drew redevelopment plans in the sand with a stick were sceptical smiles.

Areas of the future Aqua Park. Photo: private archives
Aqua Park. Photo: Jan Bielecki


Park Wodny – Kraków’s Water Park, at the time one of the largest facilities of its kind in Europe – opens. Awarded the prestigious Construction of the Year accolade, it remains the only such complex in the city to this day.

We approached the Water Park not merely as a business venture but also with a sense of social responsibility. Integral to this grand vision were children, young people, and seniors, while maximising the facility’s benefits for health was built into its design. All this stemmed from the philosophy we had by then developed and adopted: no business exists in a vacuum; each is an integral part of the community.

Building the Aqua Park. Photo: private archives


The Bielecki Art Foundation is established, with its first steps coinciding with the beginning of Janusz Bielecki’s artistic activity.

Understanding the challenges faced by people wishing to devote themselves to art combined with the opportunities derived from business success created an ideal synergy that opened development opportunities before the next generation of artists and favourable conditions for creating innovative artistic events.

Screen and Sound Fest 2017. Photo: Marcin Krajnik


The first investments in heritage properties in Poland and abroad. Transformed into luxury hotels and residences, they quickly build a solid reputation, remaining highly sought after in the market.

Luxury properties are often works of art themselves: apartments in historic townhouses, penthouses with private rooftop terraces, and residences surrounded by lavish gardens. Luxury is changing its face while consumers increasingly often favour experiences above material possessions. As we predicted, the luxury hotel and spa sector rebounded quickly from the pandemic crisis and is now second only to the automotive industry in value. The sector to have achieved the highest year-to-year dynamic growth was the luxury hospitality and spa sector, along with that of luxury alcohols.

Casino Garzia in Alezio. Photo: Emanuela Rizzo
The Manor in Bilczyce. Photo: Jacek Poremba


A time of dynamic portfolio expansion. The following are all founded: an artistic agency, an architectural firm, and companies active in the hospitality sector, IT outsourcing, gaming, and pharmaceutical research.

When I am asked what business truly is, what the question is really about is defining the field I’ve endeavoured to operate in for decades. Business means mutual satisfaction. Business is continuity and credibility. Drawing from tradition, tapping into its deep and revitalising roots.

The past few years called for businesspeople to have nerves of steel and make a cool assessment of the situation. What helped them not only to weather the crisis but also to achieve improved financial results are accumulated capital, invaluable business knowledge, and clear leadership.

Janusz Bielecki. Photo: Jacek Poremba